Escape from Orion: The Next Generation

Page contents: Description, Screenshots, Downloads.

Escape from Orion Remake

Welcome to Reanimation's first release, a remake of Hopesoft's 1983 BBC Micro platform game, Escape from Orion. It was written in under two months for the Retro Remakes competition, June 1st to July 31st 2003.

BBC Version screen shotThe original is perhaps not well known, but is a game I remember fondly from my receding youth. This remake is reasonably faithful apart from the sonic and graphical overhaul, although it is somewhat more forgiving in the physics department. It includes all 4 screens from the original game, and, also as in the original, you can choose which ones you want to play.

I am very pleased to have the consent of the original author, Paul Shave, for this remade version of the game.

The game was developed with Game Maker 5, and the editor file is also available below. Features I am quite pleased with (although they might be nothing new to the GM community) include: the scrolly message, generated dynamically from a text file; the starfield; and a new take on the jump-throughable platform problem.


Click for larger images.

Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4

Downloads (1.3Mb) - The game executable (zipped). (759k) - The Game Maker 5 source .gmd file (zipped).

v1.0 - 2003-07-27 - As entered into the Retro Remakes competition.

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